data formatting

英 [ˈdeɪtə ˈfɔːmætɪŋ] 美 [ˈdeɪtə ˈfɔːrmætɪŋ]

网络  数据格式化; 数据转化; 日期格式; 资料的格式化



  1. But what about tracking other cell information, like data type and formatting?
  2. Quite often, this form of simple mapping works fine, but sometimes, because of differences in data types or formatting or the needs of some application logic, you don't want direct data exchange.
  3. IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager can help you quickly identify where there are data differences in a report and if the data drives any formatting changes, IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager can identify these too.
  4. Only the data is preserved, without formatting or any properties.
  5. However, with an HTTP client, the server must do most or all of the data formatting/ presentation as well.
  6. The forms are perfect for capturing structured data and flexibly formatting that data in different ways.
  7. The views are simple files: The index and read views simply output the data assigned to them, applying minimal formatting, while the write view displays a form to be used when posting to Blahg.
  8. A stylesheet is a set of instructions that specify certain types of data as input and specify some other set of data and formatting as output.
  9. Is it as architecturally pure as XML-encoded data separated from its formatting through a mechanism such as XSLT style sheets?
  10. The search_ajax() method finds the recipes based on the search parameter and sends that data to an ERB template for formatting.
  11. Data type and formatting are metadata.
  12. You hear glimmers of these when people talk about the "semantic Web," a Web in which data is separated from formatting.
  13. Freeform text most commonly refers to data manually entered and not selected from a standard pick list or data entered without any formatting, such as a complete address in a single field.
  14. The solution also uses two additional helper classes: DateUtil for data formatting and AppConfig to read configuration parameters.
  15. If the memcached service goes down, your application should fall back to loading the information from the original data source and formatting it as necessary for display.
  16. There should definitely be no data formatting or parsing of non-standard formats.
  17. The servlet can then pass a reference to the Java bean to the JSP to provide access to the data for formatting and display.
  18. When an Ajax application exchanges data with a web server, it is often requesting a refresh of some kind of data, but ideally without the formatting.
  19. Applications constantly take XML data, add some formatting, and toss it into user interfaces& usually as HTML, XHTML, or WML.
  20. There could be several variations to support-frequency of changes to label information, number of words, language, data formatting, mixture of static and dynamic messages that make up a label, etc.
  21. To achieve the optimum transfer rate, however, few checks are performed regarding data formatting.
  22. Entire project ( includes all data, views, formatting, etc.)
  23. Clear data or formatting from selected cells
  24. This is a good technique to use in situations where you want a compact display of data but do not need the formatting capabilities of a form or report object.
  25. Some unsupported data or formatting has been removed. If you want to save the file, give it a new name to avoid overwriting the original file.
  26. The development mode of CAPP system is ethics 'data formatting. CAPP system is based as the standard object mode and is a whole distributed web application system.
  27. BGS+ uses unified interface and unified flow to realized function of dealing data with formatting information.
  28. What is more, with the development of data formatting of information, more and more management systems appeared.
  29. Then, data entry and formatting check based on accurate and comprehensive principles is continued.
  30. As a result, with regard to the systems connected with data, the design of Data Persistence becomes quite important; what is more, with the development of data formatting of information, more and more management systems appeared.



  1. the organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing)

      Synonym:    formatformattingdata format